Wednesday, October 7, 2020


 Good Morning!

 We as family decided to create a page to update you all on Mom's (Marie Dueck) health journey.

 Mom did have a little more stomach issues lately, but we blamed it on food that maybe wasn't right for her stomach, which always has been an issue since her cancer operation 8 years ago. 

 On Sept 29, 2020 Mom did a blood test which we did every 3 months for the past 8 years and that's where things starting looking suspicious. So on October 2 we did a CT scan and the Dr recommended further test. We had done an endoscopy in March 2020 and were told that the stomach was ok, but they didn't send us the results because it was during the time the pandemic started. Now when we finally got those test results, the Dr in Tijuana told us it's NOT ok.

 So plans are now for Mom Dad to fly out of Chetumal tomorrow and go to Tijuana. 

 We as family really appreciate all of your kind messages and prayers and want to keep you updated in this journey. 


  1. We're praying for you and your whole family

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Ron and I will be praying for you and your family.

  4. Declaring health and healing.

  5. Love you lots.The Lord is with you!

  6. We are praying for you, the Lord is Lord over sickness

  7. We are praying to Mom and all your family, from Chinese Tony

  8. God's Blessing, dealing with such is not easy ,

  9. Believing and declaring health and healing. Wisdom for the doctors and medical staff. Strength and Wisdom for you and your family as well. All of you are in my prayers.
